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Resumen de El tratamiento de la morfología flexiva del castellano mediante reglas de dos niveles en una gramática de unificación

Marta Carulla Pahl, Auke Oosterhoff i Sanders

  • This paper describes the strategy adopted to treat the (flexive) morphology of Spanish with the tools and algorithms (i.e. a text handling tool and two level morphology rules) provided by ALEP (Advanced Linguistic Engineering Platform). The morphological analyzer forms part of the Spanish grammar developed within the LSGRAM (Large Scale Grammars, LRE-61029) project, funded by the Comission of the European Union. Our approach has been to segment words into two morphemes, a root and a termination, at the same time regularizing allomorphic and orthographic variations. We explain briefly the underlying philosophy and give some examples to illustrate the fact that all phenomena can be adequately treated by rules that make use of either context information or lexical information (the latter in the form of feature structures).

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