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Resumen de La dimensión pragmática de la Lingüística de texto

Belén Sáiz Noeda

  • In this essay, I want to stress the relevance of Pragmatics to the evolution and consolidation of Text Linguistics from a comprehensive understanding of the text as a comunicative entity. The pragmatic dimension of Text Linguistics is essential and achieves its concreteness in the textual theories or models analyzed herein, all of which -especially those of Teun A. van Dijk and János S. Petofi- represent the most elaborate stage of Text Linguistics, namely due to the ultimate incorporation of the contextual (social and psycological) and communicative elements of language. Furthermore, it is through Pragmatics as an integration of both Syntax and Semantics that we reach the semiotic dimension of the text while at the same time we can propose a new conception of the linguistic science. And at the beginning and at the end of Pragmatics and Text Linguistics lies Rethoric, the ancient and eternal science of language.

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