Archaeofauna International Journal of archaeozoology

Citas emitidas
por artículos de Timm, Robert M.

Total de citas: 12

Artículo citado Citas recibidas
Evidence of morphometric variation in an Iron Age dog cranium from Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, U.K. (2009) Núm. 18 Pág. 69-78 3
The Application of Discriminant Function Analysis to Archaeological Dog Remains as an Aid to the Elucidation of Possible Affinities with Modern Breeds (2009) Núm. 18 Pág. 51-64 3
Life history information from tracks of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) in ceramic building materials from a Roman bath-house at Vindolanda, Northumberland, England. (2012) Núm. 21 Pág. 7-36 2
The dogs of Roman Vindolanda, Part II: Time-stratigraphic occurrence, ethnographic comparisons, and biotype reconstruction (2016) Núm. 25 Pág. 107-126 2
The dogs of Roman Vindolanda, Part I : Morphometric techniques useful in differentiating domestic and wild canids (2016) Núm. 25 Pág. 79-106 2