NAER Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research

Citas emitidas
por artículos de Valencia Ortiz, Rubicelia

Total de citas: 13

Artículo citado Citas recibidas
Digital media behavior of school students : Abusive use of the internet (2018) Vol. 7 Núm. 2 Pág. 140-147 2
Ubiquitous educational use of mobile digital devices : A general and comparative study in Spanish and Latin America Higher Education (2018) Vol. 7 Núm. 2 Pág. 105-115 2
The importance of ICTs for students as a competence for their future professional performance : The case of the Faculty of Business Studies and Tourism of the University of Huelva (2019) Vol. 8 Núm. 2 Pág. 201-213 1
Assessing Personal Learning Environments (PLEs). An expert evaluation (2013) Vol. 2 Núm. 1 Pág. 39-44 1
The smartphone as a pedagogic tool. Student profiles as related to its use and knowledge (2020) Vol. 9 Núm. 1 Pág. 91-109 1
Barriers to student learning and participation in an inclusive school as perceived by future education professionals (2019) Vol. 8 Núm. 1 Pág. 18-24 1
Analysing dialogue in STEM classrooms in Ecuador : A dual socioeconomic context in a High School (2020) Vol. 9 Núm. 2 Pág. 194-215 1
Evaluation of teacher digital competence frameworks through expert judgement : The use of the expert competence coefficient (2020) Vol. 9 Núm. 2 Pág. 275-293 1
Technical and didactic knowledge of the Moodle LMS in Higher Education : Beyond functional use (2019) Vol. 8 Núm. 1 Pág. 25-33 1
Design, validation, and application of a questionnaire on media education for teachers in training (2019) Vol. 8 Núm. 1 Pág. 34-41 1
The gender gap in STEM fields : Theories, movements, and ideas to engage girls in STEM (2018) Vol. 7 Núm. 2 Pág. 148-153 1