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IDR 2022

International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education

Artículos publicados en 2019

Total de citas: 425 (16 nacionales y 409 internacionales)

Artículo citado Citas recibidas
Systematic review of research on artificial intelligence applications in higher education : where are the educators? (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 6 98
Does e-learning service quality influence e-learning student satisfaction and loyalty? : Evidence from Vietnam (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 39 37
Investigating self-directed learning and technology readiness in blending learning environment (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 28 35
The roles of academic engagement and digital readiness in students’ achievements in university e-learning environments (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 23 20
Prediction of Student’ s performance by modelling small dataset size (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 15 18
Using learning analytics to develop early- warning system for at-risk students (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 5 18
MOOC-based flipped learning in higher education : students’ participation, experience and learning performance (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 13 18
Online teaching in response to student protests and campus shutdowns : academics’ perspectives (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 2 16
Use of Twitter across educational settings : a review of the literature (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 9 15
Are first year students ready for a flipped classroom? : A case for a flipped learning continuum (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 40 13
Learning analytics and higher education : a proposed model for establishing informed consent mechanisms to promote student privacy and autonomy (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 21 13
The influence of general self-efficacy on the interpretation of vicarious experience information within online learning (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 17 12
Staff and student views of lecture capture : a qualitative study (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 22 11
Structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis of social media use and education (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 18 9
Blended learning motivation model for instructors in higher education institutions (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 30 9
An empirical investigation of the antecedents of learner-centered outcome measures in MOOCs (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 32 8
Evaluating a blended course for Japanese learners of English : why Quality Matters (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 38 6
Integration of good practices of active methodologies with the reuse of student-generated content (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 35 6
Promoting open educational resources-based blended learning (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 42 5
Instilling purpose and value in the implementation of digital badges in higher education (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 1 5
Exploring the relationship between college students’ writing anxiety and the pedagogical use of online resources (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 26 5
Comparison of video demonstrations and bedside tutorials for teaching paediatric clinical skills to large groups of medical students in resource-constrained settings (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 11 5
Beyond social chit chat? : Analysing the social practice of a mobile messaging service on a higher education teacher development course (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 33 4
Supporting self-regulated learning and personalization using ePortfolios : a semantic approach based on learning paths (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 29 4
When do information seekers trust scientific information? : Insights from recipients’ evaluations of online video lectures (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 43 4
Persuasive technology for enhanced learning behavior in higher education (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 31 3
Feelings of satisfaction in mature students of financial accounting in a virtual learning environment : an experience of measurement in higher education (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 25 3
What foresees college students’ tendency to use facebook for diverse educational purposes? (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 36 3
Design and investigation of cooperative, scaffolded wiki learning activities in an online graduate-level course (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 34 3
Students’ perceptions of a food safety and quality e-learning course : a CASE study for a MSC in food consumption (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 7 2
Case study of creativity in asynchronous online discussions (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 24 2
Blogging as a tool for the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge in health sciences : a preliminary evaluation (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 14 2
Enhancing students’ written production in English through flipped lessons and simulations (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 44 2
An empirical study of the effect that a computer graphics course has on visual-spatial abilities (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 4 2
Online module login data as a proxy measure of student engagement : the case of my Unisa, Moya MA, Flipgrid, and Gephi at an ODeL institution in South Africa (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 8 2
A scaffolding toolkit to foster argumentation and proofs in mathematics : some case studies (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 41 2
Nutrition and health as virtual class at Open University (Portugal) : pedagogical strategies for higher education (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 27 1
Understanding openness through (in)visible platform boundaries : a topological study on MOOCs as multiplexes of spaces and times (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 20 1
Comparison of pharmacy students randomized to receive drug information reference education via recording or interactive Moodle lesson (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 37 1
Teaching technology with technology : approaches to bridging learning and teaching gaps in simulation-based programming education (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 16 1
Using Hypervideo to support undergraduate students’ reflection on work practices : a qualitative study (2019) Núm. 16 Pág. 19 1