págs. 1037-1045
págs. 1047-1056
Bumpy Road of Ukraine Towards the EU Membership in Time of War: “Accession Through War” v “Gradual Integration”
págs. 1057-1065
Seizing Russian Assets to Compensate for Human Rights Violations in Ukraine: navigating the Legal Labyrinth
págs. 1067-1075
págs. 1077-1103
págs. 1105-1120
The Joint Investigation Team in Ukraine: challenges and Opportunities for the International Criminal Court
págs. 1121-1124
Sanctions and the Geopolitical Commission: the War over Ukraine and the Transformation of EU Governance
págs. 1125-1130
Battles on Different Fronts: the Role of the EU in Strengthening the Response of Ukraine to Gender-based Violence, Including Conflict-related Sexual Violence, Since Russia’s Invasion
págs. 1131-1142
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: the Impact of Rule of Law Backsliding on the EU’s Response to the Russo-Ukrainian War
págs. 1143-1154
págs. 1155-1177
págs. 1179-1187
págs. 1189-1199
págs. 1201-1211
págs. 1213-1220
Mutual Trust and EU Accession to the ECHR: are We Over the Opinion 2/13 Hurdle?
págs. 1221-1233
Media in War: An Overview of the European Restrictions on Russian Media
págs. 1235-1245
Introduction: the Autonomy of EU Law, Legal Theory and European Integration
págs. 1247-1254
págs. 1255-1291
págs. 1293-1299
págs. 1301-1315
Nine Theses on Autonomy: making Sense of a Controversial Doctrine
págs. 1317-1331
The Sphere of Intervention: EU Law Supranationalism and the Concept of International Treaty
págs. 1333-1359
Federal Autonomy and Legal Theory in US Antebellum Constitutionalism: a View from Europe
págs. 1361-1401
Autonomy: the Central Idea of the Reasoning of the Court of Justice
págs. 1403-1439
On Metaphor and Meaning: the Autonomy of EU Legal Order Through the Lens of Project and System
págs. 1441-1464
The Autonomy of the EU Legal Order: the Case of the Energy Charter Treaty
págs. 1465-1494
págs. 1495-1511
págs. 1513-1522
The EU and Russian Aggression: perspectives from Kant, Hobbes, and Machiavelli
págs. 1523-1537
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