Mapping class groups of highly connected (4k+2)-manifolds
Manuel Krannich
Control theorem and functional equation of Selmer groups over p-adic Lie extensions
Somnath Jha, Tadashi Ochiai
Intersections of loci of admissible covers with tautological classes
Johannes Schmitt, Jason van Zelm
Pseudo-rotations and holomorphic curves
Erman Çineli, Viktor L. Ginzburg, Basak Z. Gürel
Self-dual intervals in the Bruhat order
Christian Gaetz, Yibo Gao
Determinant map for the prestack of Tate objects
Aron Heleodoro
Correction to: On the Deligne–Lusztig involution for character sheaves
Alexander Yom Din
Heisenberg and Kac–Moody categorification
Jonathan Brundan, Alistair Savage, Ben Webster
On the universal ellipsitomic KZB connection
Damien Calaque, Martin Gonzalez
Laurent phenomenon algebras arising from surfaces II: Laminated surfaces
Jon Wilson
Connectivity of joins, cohomological quantifier elimination, and an algebraic Toda’s theorem
Saugata Basu, Deepam Patel
Bott–Samelson atlases, total positivity, and Poisson structures on some homogeneous spaces
Jiang Hua Lu, Shizhuo Yu
The persistence of the Chekanov–Eliashberg algebra
Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell, Michael G. Sullivan
Ekeland’s variational principle in weak and strong systems of arithmetic
David Fernández Duque, Paul Shafer, Keita Yokoyama
Canonical lifts and δ-structures
James Borger, Lance Gurney
Generic differential operators on Siegel modular forms and special polynomials
Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama
Sub-leading asymptotics of ECH capacities
Dan Cristofaro Gardiner, Nikhil Savale
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