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European taxation

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    Año 1969, Vol. 9, Número 1

    • Switzerland: special tax relief granted in favour of substantial participations and 'holding' corporations

      Walter Ryser

      págs. 5-13

    • Germany: income benefiting from the privileged tax treatment accorded in respect of international shipping activities

      Albert J. Rädler Steuerberater

      págs. 14-15

    • United Kingdom: interpretation of the term 'the revelant profits' for the purpose of computing the amount of the creit allowed against United Dingdom tax under the double taxation agreements with Canada an the United States

      Alun Davies

      págs. 16-17

    • Tax treaty charts: conventions between OECD member countries, Finland, Japan and Liechtenstein

      Alfred Bühler

      págs. 18-22

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