Some remarks on interpolation of bilinear operators
Dariusz Staszak
págs. 95-105
Comportement asymptotique d'un problème de perturbation singulière non classique
Taoufiq Benkiran
págs. 107-115
On functions of bounded (p,2)-variation
Nelson Merentes
págs. 117-123
Sur les équations fonctionelles p-adiques aux q-différences
Jean Paul Bézivin, Abdelbaki Boutabaa
págs. 125-140
Approximation by compact operators over spaces of continuous functions
Aref Kamal
págs. 141-149
On totally umbilical submanifolds of a locally Minkowski manifold
L. María Abatangelo
págs. 151-175
A projection property and weak sequential completeness of alfa-duals
Charles Swartz, Christopher E. Stuart
págs. 177-185
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