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Resumen de Effects of a practical teacher-training program on STEAM activity planning

Jefferson Rodrigues Silva, Ángel Alsina i Pastells

  • español

    Buscamos analizar los efectos de un programa práctico de formación docente sobre el desarrollo de las habilidades del profesorado en la planificación de actividades STEAM. Para ello, se presenta un estudio de caso con un enfoque de investigación de método mixto. 14 profesores brasileños participaron de un curso en el cual recibieron mentoría, instrumentos y retroalimentación para desarrollar planes STEAM. En esta investigación se recolectaron datos de dos encuestas, de preguntas abiertas previamente validadas, y de los planes STEAM como productos finales. Los datos cuantitativos fueron analizados a través de pruebas estadísticas no paramétricas, y los datos cualitativos fueron sometidos a análisis de contenido de acuerdo con las indicaciones de la Teoría Fundamentada. Como resultado, los docentes informaron una visión positiva del impacto STEAM y una alta predisposición hacia ello. Si bien consideraron desafiante fusionar áreas STEAM, especialmente Ingeniería y Tecnología, la capacitación les ayudó a enfrentar esta dificultad. Todos los planes tenían al menos dos áreas, y la mitad de ellos tenían las cinco áreas STEAM. Alrededor del 70% de los profesores utilizaban un método de enseñanza de aprendizaje activo que era nuevo para ellos. Hubo un aumento significativo en la autoeficacia de los docentes en la planificación de actividades STEAM.

  • English

    We sought to analyse the effects of a practical teacher-training program on teachers’ abilities in planning STEAM activities. For that, a case study is presented in a mixed-method research approach. 14 Brazilian teachers took part in a course wherein they received mentoring, instruments, and feedback to develop STEAM plans. In this research, data were collected from two surveys, from previously validated open-ended questions, and from the STEAM plans as final products. Quantitative data was analysed through nonparametric statistical tests, and qualitative data underwent content analysis according to the Ground Theory commandments. As result, teachers reported a positive view of the STEAM impact and a high predisposition towards it. Although they considered merging STEAM areas challenging, especially Engineering and Technology, the training helped them surpass it. All plans had at least two areas, and half of them had all five STEAM areas. Around 70% of the teachers used an active learning teaching method which was new to them. There was a significant augment in teachers' self-efficacy in planning STEAM activities.

  • português

    We sought to analyse the effects of a practical teacher-training program on teachers’ abilities in planning STEAM activities. For that, a case study is presented in a mixed-method research approach. 14 Brazilian teachers took part in a course wherein they received mentoring, instruments, and feedback to develop STEAM plans. In this research, data were collected from two surveys, from previously validated open-ended questions, and from the STEAM plans as final products. Quantitative data was analysed through nonparametric statistical tests, and qualitative data underwent content analysis according to the Ground Theory commandments. As a result, teachers reported a positive view of the STEAM impact and a high predisposition towards it. Although they considered merging STEAM areas challenging, especially Engineering and Technology, the training helped them surpass it. All plans had at least two areas, and half of them had all five STEAM areas. Around 70% of the teachers used an active learning teaching method which was new to them. There was a significant augment in teachers' self-efficacy in planning STEAM activities.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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