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Resumen de One Size Fits All?: Learning Conditions and Working Memory Capacity in Ab Initio Language Development

Cristina Sanz, Hui-Ju Lin, Beatriz Lado, Catherine A. Stafford, Harriet W. Bowden

  • The article summarizes results from two experimental studies (N = 23, N = 21) investigating the extent to which working memory capacity (WMC) intervenes in ab initio language development under two pedagogical conditions [ ± grammar lesson + input-based practice + explicit feedback]. The linguistic target is the use of morphosyntax to assign semantic functions in Latin. Results suggest that with the more traditional pedagogical approach [+ grammar lesson], WMC does not predict learner outcomes. In contrast, in an approach that immediately immerses learners in meaning-focused practice with the same explicit feedback, WMC predicts gains on interpreting aural and written input. Thus, it appears that pre-practice grammar explanation ‘levels the field’ for learners of varying WMC, while WMC may play more of a role when metalinguistic information is limited to reactive feedback. These results extend previous research (Robinson 2002, 2005b; Erlam 2005; Goo 2012; Li 2013; Sagarra and Abbuhl 2013a, 2013b; Tagarelli et al. 2014), and further call attention to the importance of interactions between pedagogical tools and individual differences in explaining language development.

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