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Cuadernos de investigación geográfica
Geographical Research Letters
Experiments as tools in geomorphology
Total de citas: 10
Artículo citado
Mass soil movement on terraced landscapes of the Mediterranean mountain areas : a case study of the Iberian Range, Spain
Vol. 43
Núm. 1
Pág. 83-100
Variación espacio-temporal de los procesos hidrológicos del suelo en viñedos con elevadas pendientes (Valle del Ruwer-Mosela, Alemania)
Vol. 42
Núm. 1
Pág. 281-306
Soil erosion in sloping vineyards under conventional and organic land use managements (Saar-Mosel Valley, Germany)
Vol. 43
Núm. 1
Pág. 119-140
Analysing the effect of land use and vegetation cover on soil infiltration in three contrasting environments in northeast Spain
Vol. 43
Núm. 1
Pág. 141-169
Set-up and calibration of a portable small scale rainfall simulator for assessing soil erosion processes at interrill scale
Vol. 43
Núm. 1
Pág. 63-81
Assessing hillslope-channel connectivity in an agricultural catchment using rare-earth oxide tracers and random forests models
Vol. 43
Núm. 1
Pág. 19-39
Characterization of complex pebble movement patterns in channel flow – a laboratory study
Vol. 41
Núm. 1
Pág. 63-85
An interdisciplinary tillage erosion experiment : establishing a field in grassland with reconstructed ard plough of the Bronze Age-Iron Age
Vol. 43
Núm. 1
Pág. 101-118
A multiscale approach to assess geomorphological processes in a semiarid badland area (Ebro Depression, Spain)
Vol. 43
Núm. 1
Pág. 41-62
Comparison of different methods to measure soil erosion in the central Ebro valley
Vol. 41
Núm. 1
Pág. 165-180