International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education

Citas emitidas
por artículos de Chen, I Chuan

Total de citas: 6

Artículo citado Citas recibidas
Exploring the key influencing factors on college students’ computational thinking skills through flipped-classroom instruction (2020) Núm. 17 Pág. 22 1
Multi‑level analyses of distance education capacity, faculty members’ adaptation, and indicators of student satisfaction in higher education during COVID‑19 pandemic (2021) Núm. 18 Pág. 49 1
The role of e‑engagement and fow on the continuance with a learning management system in a blended learning environment (2021) Núm. 18 Pág. 45 1
Computational thinking development through creative programming in higher education (2017) Núm. 14 Pág. 3 1
Instructional changes instigated by university faculty during the COVID‑19 pandemic : the efect of individual, course and institutional factors (2021) Núm. 18 Pág. 44 1
Examining the key influencing factors on college students’ higher-order thinking skills in the smart classroom environment (2021) Núm. 18 Pág. 24 1