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Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed. inglesa
Incidence of impacted and supernumerary teeth-a radiographicStudy in a North Greek population
Total de citas: 7
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Investigation of SOSTDC1 gene in non-syndromic patients with supernumerary teeth
Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed. inglesa
Prevalence of impacted teeth among a sample of Yemeni population and their association with sex and age.
Journal of Oral Research
Prevalence and presentation of hyperdontia in a non-syndromic, mixed Nigerian population
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry
Early identification of permanent maxillary canine impaction : a radiographic comparative study in a Mexican population
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry
Prevalence of impacted teeth and supernumerary teeth by radiographic evaluation in three Latin American countries : a cross-sectional study
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry
Mesiodens en posición inusual : reporte de un caso
Incidence, severity and orthodontic treatment difficulty index of impacted canines in Saudi population
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry