Spanish Journal of Soil Science SJSS

Citas emitidas
por artículos de Díaz Raviña, Montserrat

Total de citas: 12

Artículo citado Citas recibidas
Seasonal changes in the carbohydrate pool of an atlantic forest soil under different vegetation types (2011) 2
By-products as an amendment of a mine soil : effects on microbial biomass determined using phospholipid fatty acids (2018) 2
Influence of straw mulch application on the properties of a soil affected by a forest wildfire (2015) 2
Fe and Al leaching in soils under laboratory-controlled burns (2015) 1
Long-term effect of no-tillage on soil organic matter fractions in rainfed Aragon (NE Spain) (2011) 1
Availability and fractionation of Cu, Pb and Zn in an acid soil from Galicia (NW Spain) amended with municipal solid waste compost (2017) 1
Evaluación del impacto del calentamiento del suelo en los cationes del suelo utilizando el método de los grados-hora (2012) 1
Soil organic carbon in northern Spain (Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria and País Vasco) (2015) 1
Wildfires, soil carbon balance and resilient organic matter in Mediterranean ecosystems : a review (2012) 1