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Stakeholder salience, positive CSR news and the market value...

Total de citas: 6

Artículo citado
The emergence of triple bottom line reporting in Spain (2011) Núm. 150 Pág. 195-219
Determinants of CSR practices : analysis of the influence of ownership and the management profile mediating effect (2014) Núm. 161 Pág. 47-68
The role of corporate governance and transparency in the generation of financial performance in socially responsible companies (2018) Vol. 47 Núm. 1 Pág. 44-80
After the crisis : How to restore trust in finance (2013) Núm. 157 Pág. 13-38
Sustantibility stock exchange indexes and investor expectations : multivariate evidence from DJSI-Stoxx (2011) Núm. 151 Pág. 395-416
Responsabilidad Social Corporativa y Rendimiento Financiero : un Meta-Análisis (2014) Núm. 162 Pág. 193-215