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IDR 2022

Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics

Artículos publicados en 2021

Total de citas: 11 (4 nacionales y 7 internacionales)

Artículo citado Citas recibidas
Transport taxes and decarbonization in Spain : distributional impacts and compensation (2021) Núm. 238 Pág. 101-136 4
Use of social network analysis for tax control in Spain (2021) Núm. 239 Pág. 159-197 2
Local financing platform loan and performance of city commercial banks : evidence from city commercial banks in China (2021) Núm. 238 Pág. 81-99 1
Structural funds and convergence in Poland (2021) Núm. 236 Pág. 3-37 1
Multidimensional measures of economic insecurity in Spain : the role of aggregation and weighting methods (2021) Núm. 238 Pág. 29-60 1
Returns on investment in education : evidence from Turkey by education level and by higher education program (2021) Núm. 238 Pág. 3-28 1
The provision of public services under conditions of financial stress : evidence from Spanish Autonomous Communities (2021) Núm. 236 Pág. 65-104 1