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IDR 2021

Test An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research

Artículos publicados en 2019

Total de citas: 74 ( 74 internacionales)

Artículo citado Citas recibidas
Mode testing, critical bandwidth and excess mass (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 3 Pág. 900-919 15
Compositional data: the sample space and its structure (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 3 Pág. 599-638 14
Weighted likelihood estimation of multivariate location and scatter (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 3 Pág. 756-784 4
A generalized mixed model for skewed distributions applied to small area estimation (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 2 Pág. 565-597 4
Data science, big data and statistics (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 2 Pág. 289-329 3
A new class of tests for multinormality with i.i.d. and garch data based on the empirical moment generating function (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 2 Pág. 499-521 3
Influence diagnostics in mixed effects logistic regression models (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 3 Pág. 920-942 3
A flexible class of parametric distributions for Bayesian linear mixed models (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 2 Pág. 543-564 3
Prediction error bounds for linear regression with the TREX (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 2 Pág. 451-474 2
Smoothed empirical likelihood inference via the modified Cholesky decomposition for quantile varying coefficient models with longitudinal data (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 3 Pág. 999-1032 2
On the convenience of heteroscedasticity in highly multivariate disease mapping (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 4 Pág. 1229-1250 2
A stochastic ordering based on the canonical transformation of skew-normal vectors (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 2 Pág. 475-498 2
Objective Bayesian inference with proper scoring rules (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 3 Pág. 728-755 2
Amari–Chentsov structure on the statistical manifold of models for accelerated life tests (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 1 Pág. 77-105 2
Testing equality of a large number of densities under mixing conditions (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 4 Pág. 1203-1228 1
Asymptotics for the linear kernel quantile estimator (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 4 Pág. 1144-1174 1
Modelling covariance matrices by the trigonometric separation strategy with application to hidden Markov models (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 2 Pág. 399-422 1
Robust simultaneous inference for the mean function of functional data (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 3 Pág. 785-803 1
Sharp bounds on distribution functions and expectations of mixtures of ordered families of distributions (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 1 Pág. 166-195 1
Estimation and hypothesis test for single-index multiplicative models (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 1 Pág. 242-268 1
Affine invariant depth-based tests for the multivariate one-sample location problem (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 3 Pág. 671-693 1
Deville and Särndal’s calibration: revisiting a 25-years-old successful optimization problem (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 4 Pág. 1033-1065 1
Statistical inference using rank-based post-stratified samples in a finite population (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 4 Pág. 1113-1143 1
Heavy-tailed longitudinal regression models for censored data: a robust parametric approach (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 3 Pág. 844-878 1
NOVELIST estimator of large correlation and covariance matrices and their inverses (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 3 Pág. 694-727 1
Link misspecification in generalized linear mixed models with a random intercept for binary responses (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 3 Pág. 827-843 1
Likelihood-based tests for a class of misspecified finite mixture models for ordinal categorical data (2019) Vol. 28 Núm. 4 Pág. 1175-1202 1