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IDR 2019

International journal of clinical and health psychology

Artículos publicados en 2014

Total de citas: 97 (8 nacionales y 89 internacionales)

Artículo citado Citas recibidas
A systematic review of sexual satisfaction (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 1 Pág. 67-75 31
Which occupational risk factors are associated with burnout in nursing? A meta-analytic study (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 1 Pág. 28-38 11
The meaning of the h-index (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 2 Pág. 161-164 8
Long-term outcomes of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in drug-dependent female inmates : a randomized controlled trial (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 1 Pág. 18-27 7
Some thoughts on Likert-type scales (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 1 Pág. 83-86 7
No more psychiatric labels : why formal psychiatric diagnostic systems should be abolished (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 3 Pág. 208-215 5
Cognitive-behavioral treatment and antidepressants combined with virtual reality exposure for patients with chronic agoraphobia (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 1 Pág. 9-17 4
Generalization of theory-based predictions for improved nutrition to adults with morbid obesity : implications of initiating exercise (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 1 Pág. 1-8 4
Emotional inertia : a key to understanding psychotherapy process and outcome (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 3 Pág. 232-239 3
On the protective effect of resilience in patients with acute coronary syndrome (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 2 Pág. 111-119 3
The "impact factor style of thinking" : A new theoretical framework (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 2 Pág. 154-160 2
Psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 2 Pág. 137-144 2
Unperceived dating violence among Mexican students (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 1 Pág. 39-47 2
Post-traumatic stress symptoms in adolescents exposed to an earthquake : association with self-efficacy, perceived magnitude, and fear (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 3 Pág. 202-207 2
Self-determined motivation, physical exercise and diet in obese children : a three-year follow-up study (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 3 Pág. 195-201 2
Problematic, absent and stigmatizing diagnoses in current mental disorders classifications : results from the WHO-WPA and WHO-IUPsyS Global Surveys (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 3 Pág. 165-177 1
Validez y fiabilidad del Researcher ID y de "Web of Science Production of Spanish Psychology" (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 1 Pág. 58-66 1
The end of mental illness thinking? (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 3 Pág. 216-220 1
From DSM-IV-TR to DSM-5 : analysis of some changes (2014) Vol. 14 Núm. 3 Pág. 221-231 1