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IDR 2015

Sort Statistics and Operations Research Transactions

Artículos publicados en 2010

Total de citas: 6 ( 6 internacionales)

Artículo citado Citas recibidas
Markovian arrivals in stochastic modelling : a survey and some new results (2010) Vol. 34 Núm. 2 Pág. 101-156 2
Modelling spatial patterns of distribution and abundance of mussel seed using STAR models (2010) Vol. 34 Núm. 1 Pág. 67-78 1
Optimal inverse Beta (3,3) transformation in kernel density estimation (2010) Vol. 34 Núm. 2 Pág. 223-237 1
A family of ratio estimators for population mean in extreme ranked set sampling using two auxiliary variables (2010) Vol. 34 Núm. 1 Pág. 45-64 1
On ratio and product methods with certain known population parameters of auxiliary variable in sample surveys (2010) Vol. 34 Núm. 2 Pág. 157-180 1