How to explore academic writing from metadiscourse as an integrated framework of interpersonal meaning: three perspectives of analysis (2006) Vázquez Orta, Ignacio Lafuente Millán, Enrique Lorés Sanz, Rosa Mur Dueñas, María Pilar Actas de V Congreso Internacional AELFE [Archivo de ordenador] = Proceedings of the 5th International AELFE Conference

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Artículos citantes

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"Extending this claim, we propose..." The writer´s presence in research articles from different disciplines
"Extending this claim, we propose..." The writer´s presence in research articles from different disciplines Núm. 20 Pág. 35-56 ARTICULO
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Lafuente Millán, Enrique
An intercultural study of first-person plural references in biomedical writing
An intercultural study of first-person plural references in biomedical writing Núm. 18 Pág. 71-92 ARTICULO
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* Último cálculo de métricas Dialnet: 22-Jul-2024