Die Entwicklung des Internationalen Privatrechts 2015 bis 2016 (2016) Rauscher, Thomas Neue Juristische Wochenschrift. NJW Vol. 69 Núm. 48 Pág. 3493-3499

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Artículos citantes

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The temporal scope of the European Succession Regulation and the (in-)validity of joint wills under polish law. Commentary on the judgment of the Schleswig Higher Regional Court of 25 april 2016, 3 wx 122/15
The temporal scope of the European Succession Regulation and the (in-)validity of joint wills under polish law. Commentary on the judgment of the Schleswig Higher Regional Court of 25 april 2016, 3 wx 122/15 Vol. 10 Núm. 2 Pág. 896-905 ARTICULO
2018 Cuadernos de derecho transnacional
Nasse, Laura

* Último cálculo de métricas Dialnet: 08-Sep-2024