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Resumen de Fenómeno de acomodación inmunológica: Trasplante hepático ABO incompatible. Caso clínico

Lorena Castro, Andrés J. Yarur, Roberto Segovia, Rodrigo Ponce de Luca, Mario Uribe, Mario Ferrario, Erwin Buckel, Hernán Iturriaga

  • We report a 33 year-old female with a diagnosis of halothane-induce fulminant hepatic failure who was subjected to a liver transplant with an ABO-incompatible graft. The patient received a therapeutic protocol that included total plasma exchange, splenectomy and quadruple immunosuppression. After 5 years, the patient remains asymptomatic and with normal liver enzymes, while she has been treated with low dose of immunosuppressive drugs. This case demonstrates an example of how the immunological process of accomodation opens the possibility of using ABO-incompatible organs as a definitive grafts.

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