Logroño, España
ivo xeral desta investigación é realizar unha avaliación dos impactos económicos e sociais sobre as localidades asturianas polas que transcorre o Camiño Primitivo. Para iso desenvólvese unha análise descritiva de datos cuantitativos primarios a partir de entrevistas telefónicas en dúas das cinco localidades consideradas neste estudo e seleccionadas partindo dunha análise previa de datos cuantitativos secundarios. Os resultados obtidos mostran que o impacto económico e social derivado do Camiño Primitivo foi considerado positivo entre os participantes. A presenza de peregrinos tivo boa acollida ao seren percibidos como visitantes educados, amables e interesantes pola novidade que achegan á vida local. O efecto do Camiño Primitivo sobre a conciencia da riqueza patrimonial e sobre a tradición das localidades, así como o aumento de eventos culturais, tamén foron aspectos valorados entre os participantes, quen non detectaron impactos negativos significativos.
The general objective of this research is to carry out an assessment of the economic and social impacts on the Asturian towns crossed by the Primitive Way. For this, a descriptive analysis of primary quantitative data is developed from telephone interviews in two of the five localities considered in this study and selected based on a previous analysis of secondary quantitative data. The results obtained show that the economic and social impact derived from the Primitive Way was positively perceived as among the participants. The presence of pilgrims was well received as the respondents perceived them as polite, friendly, and suggestive due to the novelty they brought to local life. The effects of the Primitive Way on awareness of the heritage wealth and tradition of the localities, as well as the increase of cultural events, were also positively valued among the respondents, who did not perceive any significant adverse impacts.
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