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Resumen de Consumer spending patterns across firms and categories: Application to the size- and share-of-wallet

Sungha Jang, Ashutosh Prasad, Brian T. Ratchford

  • Abstract Predicting share-of-wallet and size-of-wallet (i.e., category expenditure) of customers requires a firm to have, in addition to its own sales, an estimate of customer spending at competing firms. Given data on competitive spending from a sample of customers, this study considers the problem of predicting consumer expenditures at competing firms when data is unavailable. The proposed methodology, designed for multi-category firms, is a simultaneous equations Tobit model with latent classes which can handle three complicating factors: (i) heterogeneity in spending patterns; (ii) interrelationship of expenditures across firms and categories, called simultaneity; and (iii) data censoring, which occurs when consumers have zero expenditure in a category. The model is estimated on credit card data using Bayesian estimation. Two segments are revealed. One comprises 76% of consumers and is characterized by habitual spending patterns. The other 24% of consumers spend based on income allocation. Segments show different interrelationship of expenditures across firms and categories. Thus, this paper contributes a methodological tool for more accurate prediction of size-of-wallet and share-of-wallet and better targeting of customers when expenditures at competing firms are unavailable. This is accomplished by considering consumer heterogeneity and asymmetric complementary and substitute interactions between expenditures.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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