Perfil curricular y conductual de escolares con TDAH durante la educación infantil

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is regarded in the new DSM-V as a neurobiological disorder. Current research shows that its symptoms may appear during the early childhood education, although in this development period is difficult to make a correct differential diagnosis. The effects of ADHD on the academic, social, communication and motor skills have been demonstrated in different studies using standardized instruments, but none of them is based on academic information, found normally in the school reports of children. This dissertation focuses on the analysis of behavioral and curricular features of ADHD pupils in 2nd early childhood education cycle (from 3 to 5 year old preschool classrooms). From two randomized samples: (a) A 180 ADHD children group and (b) A 180 children group without such disorder, we address the following goals: 1. Analyze which methods of learning have been negatively assessed by teachers, which category they are grouped together as well as what factorial composition comprises such categories. 2. Analyze which educational goals are to be distinguished between the TDAH group and the one where the control is carried out. 3. To longitudinally analyze which goals show significant changes during the 3 grades of preschool cycle. 4. To evaluate the usefullness of these curricular assessment documents for risk signals detection. Different nonparametric statistical analysis have been carried out with results that broadly confirm the hipotheses. Some differences between groups were observed through school reports in many of the basic skills. Besides attention and self-regulation, ADHD pupils show greater difficulties than their peers in independence, compliance, work habits and motivation. The analysis of the reports also reflected significant differences between groups with regard to reading, writing, reasoning as well as psychomotor and communication skills. In the same way, it is to be highlighted a rise in relationship difficulties with their fellow classmates and a gradual worsening use of the facilities at their disposal in the classroom. Results prove that academic reports made by early childhood education teachers are consistent with the data that current research provides in this field. The longitudinal analysis confirm the hypothesis that troubles in some developmental areas are higher in children with ADHD, which show a less positive progress, tending to keep those difficulties throughout time. Finally, by analyzing these assessment documents, we can detect some learnings that are more likely to be negatively rated by teachers, so they constitute risk signs during this educational stage. Difficulties when listening, understanding the rules applicable at work, establishing social relationships and the lack of respect towards school facilities are some of the most important concerns throughout this period. In the academic field, difficulties in drawing control and seriation task stand out in such a way that these shortcomings have a direct impact on their evaluation reports. According to our results we consider that these educational documents are suitable for assessing and measuring the effects of ADHD in this period. On the other hand, delimiting the strengths and weaknesses in different development aspects, can be the basis of prevention programs that may minimize the possible effects of the disorder.
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