La Inclusión socio-laboral de personas con Parálisis Cerebral

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The present study analyzes the socio-labor inclusion of people with Cerebral Palsy in Spain. It have been used mixed methods, collecting and analysing quantitative and qualitative data. The instruments aplicated were a questionnaire for people with Cerebral Palsy and semi-structured interviews aimed at people with Cerebral Palsy, families, professionals and businessmen. The questionnaire selected was “Measure of the Quality of the Environment (MQE: version 2.0)”. MQE scale aims at evaluating the environment’s influence on the accomplishment of a person’s daily activities in relation to his/her abilities and limits. This instrument was created to analyze the quality of the environment of people with CP evaluating the following factors: Family support and attitudes, Income and employment, Government and public services, Physical environment and accessibility, Technology and Equal opportunities and political orientations. The questionnaire uses a Likert-type scale from (-3) major obstacle to (3) major facilitator. The content validity procedure carried out was the translation of the questionnaire from English to Spanish. For this, a contract was signed with the International Network on the Disability Creation Process (INDCP), a non-profit organization that owns the copyright of the instrument. The analysis of the reliability of the questionnaire using Cronbach's α test for the 109 items (Likert-type scale) was 0.98. Regarding semi-structured interviews, multiple triangulation has been used to ensure content validity, since two types of triangulation have been carried out: data triangulation and methodological triangulation. In this research, data triangulation has been used at the “person” level, since this type of triangulation consists of triangulating data sources, that is, analyzing the perspective of different social actors (in this case: person with Cerebral Palsy, families of people with Cerebral Palsy, professionals and entrepreneurs) to evaluate the same dimensions. For its part, the methodological triangulation between methods (betwen-methods or across methods) is used in this research by employing quantitative and qualitative approaches. Regarding the analysis of quantitative data, it should be said that they have been treated by descriptive, comparative and correlational analysis, while in the case of qualitative data, they have been categorized and analyzed of semantic and thematic content. The results obtained in this research indicate that people with Cerebral Palsy and the rest of the participants have a negative view of the socio-occupational inclusion of people with Cerebral Palsy, since the scores of the questionnaire have shown that numerous dimensions of the environment are considered as obstacles for people with Cerebral Palsy. In addition, in the qualitative part, the participants have indicated numerous barriers that people with Cerebral Palsy and their families have to face in order to achieve socio-labor inclusion. Therefore, a generalized dissatisfaction is observed in various areas: accessibility, support, job placement, etc. Thus, the results indicate that the socio-labor inclusion of people with Cerebral Palsy in Spain has not been fully achieved and is susceptible to improve from the analysis of the views of the different social agents, since they are the ones who know the barriers, challenges and difficulties that must be overcome and they can propose measures according to their needs.
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