Monoparentalidades y políticas públicas: prestaciones económicas y permisos parentales

In the XXI century, one parent families have become a growing phenomenon in our societies. However, in the Spanish State, the welfare regime and family policies do not sufficiently take into account the needs of different types of one parent families, especially the ones headed by women. Many of these families suffer from precarious employment, as well as work-life balance difficulties and social exclusion. This article is based on the results of an action research on one parent families, specifically on the EMODIF survey, survey on one-parent families and family diversity, that was answered by 300 one parent families living in Catalonia. From the data we analyse the use of social transfers and benefits they receive or have access to, as well as regarding parental leave among those families, in order to evaluate family policies towards one parent families
Bibliographic reference
Almeda Samaranch, Elisabet ; Vergés Bosch, Núria ; Obiol i Francés, Sandra ; Moreno Mínguez, Almudena. Monoparentalidades y políticas públicas: prestaciones económicas y permisos parentales. En: Arxius de Ciències Socials, 2016, No. 34: 43