La racionalidad y la sostenibilidad como figuras míticas en el desmontaje del sistema público de servicios sociales

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This article is an assessment of the changes that are occurring in the Comunidad Valenciana’s system of social services: 1) contextualization in a historic axis that concludes the current search for a “retrograde consensus” for dismantling the public system and social resistance movements; 2) The displacement of the containment of social crisis from the social services to the system of social security; 3) The institutional transformations produced by budgetary procedures; 4) The “boomerang effect” on Social Services produced by the implementation of the Law “Promoting Personal Autonomy and support for Dependency Situations”; and finally 5) an axis that analyzes the process which transforms the concept of decentralization and introduces deconcentration: a “structural” change in design responsibilities and interdependencies.
Bibliographic reference
Jabbaz, Marcela. La racionalidad y la sostenibilidad como figuras míticas en el desmontaje del sistema público de servicios sociales. En: TS nova: trabajo social y servicios sociales, 2014, No. 10: 55-70