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Normas de estilo de publicación en Filología neotestamentaria

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Normas de Estilo de la Publicación

Contributions should be typed, double space; notes apart numbered consecutive, throughout the complete paper. Papers presented on Macintosh, IBM (or cornpatible) diskette will receive priority treatment for publishing. To this end, the author should submit the electronic text to filologia@bsw.org accompanied by a copy printed on paper, together with the name of the word processor used.
Contributions will be admitted in Spanish, French, English, German or Italian. Contributions including Greek, Hebrew or Aramaean texts should be submitted each in its own alphahabet.
Bibliographical quotations should follow the Elenchus Bibliographicus Biblicus standard form.
Authors will receive a copy of the number and 10 off-prints of their contributions free of charge.

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