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Normas de estilo de publicación en Spanish journal of agricultural research

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Normas de Estilo de la Publicación

Paper submission
The SJAR publishes research articles, reviews and short communications. Submission of a manuscript implies:
¿ that the work described has not been published previously in any language (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a thesis);
¿ that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere;
¿ that its publication has been approved by all coauthors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out;
¿ that, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher;
¿ that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holders; and
¿ that written permission of the copyright holder is obtained by the authors for the materials used from other copyrighted sources.
Manuscripts should be written in letter «Times New Roman» size 12, with double spacing, 25 mm margins on each side, with page and line numbers.
Manuscripts should be written in concise, legible English, which must be in the final form after careful review by the author to eliminate all possible mistakes in content and/or in grammar.
A printed copy on one side of DIN-A4 paper (210 ¥ 297 mm) and electronic format on CD or disc must be sent to: Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, Servicio de Publicaciones, INIA, Ctra de la Coruña km 7.5, 28040 Madrid, Spain. It may be also directly emailed to publinia@inia.es or cblas@inia.es.
There are no handling or page charges. Once the article is published, the publisher will email the article in a pdf file to the corresponding author.
Papers reporting sequence data. Manuscripts containing primary nucleotide sequence data must be accompanied by (an) accession number(s) from an internationally available nucleotide database.
Papers reporting software. Software should be available for a full two years after publication of the manuscript.

Use measuring units specified by the International System of Units. When units are not preceded by a number the term is written in full without using the symbol (e.g.: «metres», «23 m»). Express decimals using a full stop (e.g. 3.14) and thousands with commas (e.g. 21,314). Spell out numbers one through nine, except when used with units. For decimal quantities < 1, place a zero before the decimal point. Report dates with the day first, then the month, and the year last.
Define all abbreviations at first mention in the abstract or text [e.g.: «polymerase chain reaction (PCR)»] and again in the tables and figures. Then use the abbreviation throughout the entire article, except at the beginning of a sentence.
Genus is spelled out completely the first time an organism is mentioned in the abstract, the text, and in every figure and table. If you are discussing several different species within a genus, so that the genus is the same for each species mentioned, spell the genus + species out in full the first time each new species is mentioned, even if it seems redundant. After the first time, use the genus abbreviation with a period. Genus and species are always italicized. Do not italicize «spp.» or «sensu stricto» or «sensu lato» that may follow genus and species. Genus is italicized when it appears alone (i.e., Plasmodium infections).
The Latin binomial or trinomial and authority must be shown for all plants, insects, pathogens, and animals at first listing (e.g. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill). Both the common and chemical name of pesticides must be given when first mentioned. For example: «Atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine) was most persistent...» Identify soils at the series and family level, or at least the Great Group, at first mention.
The first time that botanical cultivars are mentioned these should be marked in single inverted quotation marks or the term cultivar or the abbreviation cv. should be used: (e.g.: ¿Royesta¿ tomato or Lycopersicum esculentum Mill cv. Royesta). After, this can be referred to as Royesta tomato or Royesta cultivar.
Animals (breed, sex, age, body weight), diets, surgical techniques, measurements and statistical models should be written in a clear and detailed way.

Manuscript preparation
The following layout is recommended:
First page. The first page must include: 1. Title of the work. 2. Short title. 3. Name(s) of author(s), being the corresponding author marked with an asterisk (*). 4. Name and full postal address of the institution(s). 5. E-mail address and telephone number of the corresponding author. 6. Number of figures and tables. 7. Authors who are members of Sociedad Española de Agroingeniería or Sociedad Española de Ciencias Hortícolas must indicate the affiliation. 8. Topic. As the journal is multidisplinar, authors are invited to select the principal topic of the submitted paper from the following: agricultural economics - agricultural engineering - animal health and welfare - animal nutrition - animal production - animal reproduction - apiculture - aquaculture - biodiversity and genetic resources - biotechnology - breeding and genetics - environment and ecology - food science and technology - forages and pastures - plant health and protection of crops - plant physiology - plant production - rural development - soils, fertilization, irrigation and watering - other (suggestions are welcomed).
Text of the article. This should contain the following sections: Abstract and Additional key words in English. Title, Abstract and Additional key words in Spanish. Introduction. Material and Methods. Results. Discussion (avoid to join Results and Discussion in a single section). Acknowledgments (if any). References. Tables and figures (one per page). If an appendix is needed, it comes after the references.
¿ Title of the work. This must be clear, short and concise, avoiding terms such as «Studies about...», «Observations...», «Contribution to...» The title should preferably not exceed 25 words. The short title of the work, used in the heading of the pages of the printed article, should not exceed 90 characters (letters plus spaces).
¿ Abstract. With a maximum of 250 words, must be specific, not containing references. It will include the objectives, methods, results, and main conclusions. Crops or organisms involved must be identified, as well as soil type, chemicals, or other details important to interpretation of the results.
¿ Additional key words. A maximum of seven. They should not repeat words appearing in the title.
¿ Abstract in Spanish. This will include translation of the title and the key words.
¿ Introduction. This should contain sufficient information about the background to the work so that this can be placed in context with other research, for the reader to understand the objectives proposed and evaluation of the results. It should not be too generalised or too detailed. It should conclude with one or two sentences that define the objectives and the essence of the article.
¿ Material and Methods. Sufficient information will be given to enable the experiments to be repeated. For routine methods, a brief description and a literature reference will be sufficient. New methods must be described in detail and, in the case of little used chemical products or equipment, the manufacturer¿s name and address should be given.
¿ Results. In general, these should not include literature references but only the results of the experiments. Interpretations of the experimental data should be reserved for the Discussion section. The explanations given in the figure and table captions should not be repeated in the text.
¿ Discussion. This should not be limited to describing the experimental results and drawing conclusions. It should also be constructive, interpretative, analytical, and establish an association between the results obtained and other published works. It can describe conflicting opinions and results of other authors and indicate the value of the results for future works.
¿ Acknowledgements. Acknowledgements should be made to individuals or institutions that have provided technical support for the work and the sources of funding should also be stipulated.
¿ References. The literature references will be cited in alphabetic order of the authors. Articles by the same author should be given in chronological order and if more than one of the articles has been published in the same year, after the year a letter will be added by which the reference can be identified (for example, 1985a,b).
When references are cited in the text, in parentheses the authors surname will be given followed by a coma and the year of publication, for example: «... (Denamour, 2003)...». If there are two authors, the surnames will be followed by «and», for example «(Robertson and Castell, 2007)...» If there are more than three authors, include the last and first name of the first author followed by a comma and et al., for example «... (Leffort et al., 1999b)...». If in the text reference is made to the author of the cited work, his surname will be given, followed only by the year the work was published. For example: «According to the works of Denamour (2003), Leffort et al. (1999a,b)...»
Examples are given below of literature references.

Figures and Tables
These will be numbered independently with Arabic numerals and should be self-explanatory. Tables and figures should be submitted on separate sheets, one per page, following the References section.
The tables will be headed by a number and title. Explanatory notes that facilitate their interpretation will be included at the foot of the tables. The word table feature should be used. That is, the table created should have defined cells. Tables must not been created by using the space bar and/or tab keys.
Figures can correspond to diagrams or photographs. The figure number and legend will be given at the foot of the figure. Digital photographs, preferably in black and white, must be sent as TIF, JPG, or EPS files with at least 300 dpi in the finished size. Only under well justified circumstances colour photographs will be admitted.
The figures and tables must be very high quality and must, therefore, be received in a suitable form and condition to be reproduced.

Short communications
These should be no longer than 10 DIN-A4 pages, including a maximum of three tables/figures. Short communications must report completed work, not preliminary findings. They will have an abstract and literature references but the main text will not be divided into sections. The methods will be described briefly.

The objective of these is to give an overall view of an issue of great interest or topicality. The reviews will be written after invitation to do so by the Editorial Board.
On the whole, they will follow the same instructions applicable for normal length articles, presenting a front page, abstracts in English and Spanish, key words, tables and figures with the format of the Journal. The Introduction will be based on a general coverage of the issue, followed by a critical assessment of the most important references. Reviews will also be submitted to peer review process.

Corrention of proofs
Proofs are e-mailed as a PDF. The PDF should be printed and corrections marked on the paper copy. The corrected proof should be sent to the Editorial Office within 3 days [by mail from Spain, by fax (+34-91-3572293) from outside Spain, or minor corrections may be communicated by e-mail (publinia@inia.es)]. If corrections are not received in due time, the editors reserve the right to perform the corrections that consider most appropriate.

Potential reviewers
Authors may provide a list of potential reviewers. These reviewers must not have a conflict of interest involving the authors or paper, and the editorial board has the right to not use any reviewers suggested by authors.

Examples of literature references

Journal articles
Standard article
FLOWERS W.L., ESBENSHADE K.L., 2003. Optimizing management of natural and artificial matings in swine. J Reprod Fert Supp 48, 217-228.

Author unknown
ANONYMOUS, 2002. The extraction of soil water by the suction-cup method: a review. J Soil Sci 42, 83-93.

Chapters of books
DOREFLING R., TIETZ D., 1993. Methods for the detection and estimation of abscisic acid and related compounds. In: Abscisic acid (Addicortt F.T., ed). Ed Mundi-Prensa, Madrid, Spain. pp. 23-77.

Individuals as authors
MILTHORPE F.L., MOORBY J., 1999. An introduction to crop physiology. CAB Intnal, Walling Ford, UK. 244 pp.

Editor(s) as author(s)
MADSEN E. (ed), 2007. Effect of CO2 concentration on morphological, histological and cytological and physiological processes in tomato plants. State Seed Testing Station, Denmark. 246 pp.

Institutional author
MAPA, 1986. Métodos oficiales de análisis. Servicio de Publicaciones. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Madrid, Spain. 662 pp. [In Spanish].

Doctoral thesis
FLORES M., 2000. Las técnicas biomoleculares en el diagnóstico y tipificación de los patógenos vegetales. Doctoral thesis. Polytechnic University, Valencia. [In Spanish].

Master thesis
FERNÁNDEZ J.L., 1998b. Estudio agroecológico del cultivo del maíz y sus potencialidades en la sustentabilidad de pequeñas fincas campesinas en la provincia Granma, Cuba. Master¿s thesis. International University of Andalucía, Spain. 143 pp. [In Spanish].

Conference proceedings
SANZ P., AYERRA J.C., CALVO F., 2000. Nonpoint sources of water contamination and their impacts on sustainability. Proc. V Intnl. Rangeland Congress. Rabat, Morocco, Sept 13-16. pp. 187-192.

Electronic sources
Finding the information needed to reference an electronic source can be difficult. The main thing to remember is to describe the item as clearly and as fully as you possibly can and to be consistent in the way you cite/reference them. The aim is to give the information someone else would need to locate the item. The following should be provided as a minimum when referencing electronic sources:
¿ Author¿s name and initials, or responsible body (if there is more than one, list them).
¿ Year of publication.
¿ Title of the document being cited. The title of a web page will normally be the main heading on the page, or in the blue strip at the top of the screen.
¿ The title is followed by the electronic medium in square brackets e.g. [online] or [CD-ROM].
¿ Place of publication ¿URL, ftp address, etc.¿ This is the information necessary to locate the document.
¿ Date accessed and date of last update for web pages.
An example:
GILBERT D.G., 2005. SeqApp, a biological sequence editor and analysis program [on line]. Available in http://www. iubio.bio.indiana.edu/molbio/seqapp [3 May, 2002].

Work documents
COMITÉ DE GESTIÓN DE CÍTRICOS, 2001. Report 2000/2001. Work document for internal use.
MIRAVETE E.J., 1991. Aplicación de los modelos de elección discreta al análisis de la adopción de innovaciones tecnológicas. Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas. Valencia, Spain. EC work document 90-04. [In Spanish].

Legal documents
BOE, 1996. Royal decree 2210/1995, of 13 November, that modifies the organic structure of the Health and Safety Board. Boletín Oficial del Estado No. 21, 24/1/1996. [In Spanish].
OJ, 1990. Directive 90/429/CEE of the Council of June 26. Official Journal of the European Union L 224 18/08/1990. p. 62.

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