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Resumen de Esofagitis eosinofílica en niños: Características clínicas y endoscópicas

Carmen Gloria González, Javiera Torres, Ricardo Molina U, Paul R. Harris

  • Eosinophilic esophagitis in adults (EE) is a disease of unknown cause, characterized by symptoms such as reflux and dysphagia that traditionally do not respond to antacid treatment. It affects mostly young men with a strong personal or familial history of a topy asthma and allergies. We repot three male patients aged 10, 14 and 15years, all with symptoms of dysphagia, two of them with chest pain caused by spasm of the esophagus, with heterogeneous endoscopic findings which included from leucoplakia to stenosis that needed endoscopic dilatation. All of them had abnormal findings in immunity studies (prick test or IgE levels). They received treatment based on diet measures, acid suppression and leukotriene inhibitors, with satisfactory clinical, endoscopic and histological response. EE should be suspected in children and adults with esophageal symptoms and personal or family history of allergy and asthma.

Fundación Dialnet

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