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Resumen de Nanotermodinamika

Mikel Garitano Telleria, Josu Mirena Igartua Aldamiz

  • English

    This work presents a theory that goes beyond the scope of Classical Thermodynamics. It is named Nanothermodynamics, and it was created and developed by physicist Terrell Hill in the 1960s. In essence, it includes the necessary tools for the study of small systems, by means of a thermodynamic potential known as the subdivision potential. In fact, it enables the construction of the "nanocanonical" statistical ensemble, by introducing a distinctive degree of freedom related to its distribution of small systems. Through examples, we shall emphasize the importance of taking account of finite size effects in the nanothermodynamic region. With that being said, undergraduates taking a course on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics will find it rewarding to understand and internalize the fundamentals of Nanothermodynamics. Even if it has remained abandoned and left aside for many years, Hill’s theory has nowadays proved useful to scientists of wide-ranging areas for the advancement of their research, such as in Chemical Physics and Biology.

  • euskara

    Lan honetan, Termodinamika Klasikotik haratago doan teoria aurkeztuko dugu: Terrell Hill fisikariak 1960ko hamarkadan sortutako eta garatutako Nanotermodinamika. Funtsean, sistema txikien azterketarako nahitaezkoa den tresneria biltzen du, banatze-potentzial deritzon potentzial termodinamikoa dela medio. Hain zuzen, horrek ahalbidetzen du, besteak beste, banatzearekin lotutako askatasun-gradu berezia abian jartzeaz bat, multzo estatistiko nanokanonikoaren eraikuntza. Adibideen bidez, eskualde nanotermodinamikoan kasuan kasuko tamaina finituko efektuek duten esanguran sakonduko dugu. Horiek horrela, Termodinamika eta Fisika Estatistikoa irakasgaiko ikasleei arras aberasgarria gertatuko zaie, alde batetik, ohiko Termodina- mikaren irismenaz ohartzea, eta, bestetik, Nanotermodinamikaren nondik norakoak ulertzea eta barneratzea. Aipatzekoa da ezen urte luzez baztertuta egon bada ere, egun Hill-en teoria baliagarria gertatu zaiela hainbat esparrutako zientzialariei; esate baterako, kimika fisikoan eta biologian.

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