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Resumen de Las enfermedades emergentes transmitidas por vectores: : Paludismo, Dengue, Chikungunya y Zika

Carlos Roberto Alfaro Martínez, Daniel Rafael Saldaña Torres, Miguel Guadalupe Godínez Ríos, Julio Cesar Verde Millán, Gerardo de Jesús Trujillo Rodríguez, Marta López, Laura E. Martínez de Villarreal, Adriana Elizabeth Flores Suarez, Gustavo Ponce García, Iram Pablo Rodríguez Sánchez

  • Vectors are animals that transmit pathogens, including parasites, from one person (or animal) infected to another one and they cause serious diseases in humans. These emerging and re-emerging diseases represent a serious public health problem. WHO collaborates with partners to disseminate knowledge and raise awareness so that people know how to protect themselves and their communities against these vectors. To date, diseases such as Dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya, and Zika continue to affect a large part of the world population, so it is important to have knowledge about the generalities of these diseases as well as how to identify and avoid them

Fundación Dialnet

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