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Resumen de Fusion of inertial motion sensors and electroencephalogram for activity detection

Ibai Baglietto Araquistain, Javier Garmendia, Manuel Graña Romay, Javier de Lope Asiaín

  • A central issue in Computational Neuroethology is the fusionof information coming from a wide variety of devices, by computational tools and techniques aiming to correlate the neural substrate and the observable behavior. In this paper we are concerned with the fusion of information from two specific commercial devices, the Emotiv EPOC+ EEG recorder, and the Rokoko motion capture suite based on inertial motion units (IMU). We have built an ad hoc system for synchronized data capture. We test the system on the recognition of simple activities.We are able to confirm that the fusion of the neural activity information and the motion information improves the activity recognition.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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