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Resumen de A ascendencia vasca de Manuel M. Murguía

Xosé Estévez Rodríguez

  • galego

    O estudo pretende analizar a ascendencia vasca de Manuel M.

    Murguía. Repasa a proxenie familiar e a traxectoria vital da súa nai, Concha Murguía Egaña, dende o seu nacemento en Oiartzun (1806) até o seu pasamento en Santiago de Compostela (1854), así como a influencia sentimental e político-ideolóxica no seu fillo.

    Menciona as homenaxes na memoria de Concha en Oiartzun dende o ano 2000 e a relación con Josefa Galarraga, nai do poeta Aurelio Aguirre

  • English

    The study aims to analyse the Basque ancestry of Manuel M. Murguía. It reviews the family lineage and the life events of his mother Concha Murguía Egaña from her birth in Oiartzun in 1806 until her death in Santiago de Compostela in 1854, in addition to her sentimental and politico-ideological influence over her son. It makes mention of the tributes paid to Concha’s memory in Oiartzun since the year 2000 and her relationship with Josefa Galarraga, mother of the poet Aurelio Aguirre

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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