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Resumen de Situación de las profesoras de relaciones públicas en España: el caso de las universidades andaluzas

Daniel Guerrero Navarro, Isabel María Ruiz Mora

  • español

    Este artículo aborda la experiencia académica y profesional de las profesoras que imparten materias de relaciones públicas en las universidades de España. En concreto se analiza el caso de las universidades andaluzas con el fin de evaluar su afinidad y pertinencia a los contenidos de los planes de estudio, así como su situación laboral. Andalucía representa la región más poblada de España y concentra gran parte de la oferta nacional de grado. Mediante una metodología descriptiva, a través del análisis de contenido, se han estudiado 3 parámetros: docencia, investigación y experiencia académica y profesional de las docentes, comparando además su situación con la de los hombres. Las fuentes de información empleadas han sido las webs de las universidades y la información disponible en ORCID, Google Académico, LinkedIn, Academia y Researchgate. Como resultados nos encontramos con un equipo de docentes feminizado, con contratos temporales y con asignaturas muy fragmentadas; con experiencia docente e investigadora pertinente al área, aunque con escasa trayectoria profesional. Los hombres acaparan los puestos más estables. Se observa una desigual carga docente en el área entre las distintas universidades andaluzas. Como conclusión planteamos que el establecimiento de criterios que permitieran consolidar a las mujeres y al profesorado en su puesto laboral y en la elección estable de materias de relaciones públicas, facilitarían la conciliación, la mejora y pertinencia de la calidad docente e investigadora del profesorado andaluz. Es necesario seguir trabajando para mejorar la igualdad laboral de las mujeres y su acceso a la carrera académica en las mismas condiciones que sus compañeros.

  • English

    This article deals with the academic and professional experience of the female lecturers who teach public relations subjects in Spanish universities. Specifically, it analyses the case of universities in Andalusia, both public and private, to assess their affinity and relevance to the contents of the curricula, and their work situation, an issue that has been little explored until now. The case of Andalusia represents the most populated region in Spain and concentrates a large part of the national offer of degree courses. In this context we pose the following questions: What is the academic-research profile of women lecturers teaching public relations in Andalusian universities? What is the situation of women compared to men in the academic field of public relations in Andalusia? We want to focus on the actors in the public relations teaching process and learn about the current situation in academia.

    From the theoretical point of view, this work proposes a triangulation of contents focused on public relations studies in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), teaching practice and the situation of the teaching staff, with an emphasis on the role of women.  From the methodological point of view, we want to achieve two specific objectives:

    - To study the employment situation of public relations teachers in Andalusia, investigating the situation of women.

    - To determine how the teaching of public relations subjects is structured in the region.  Using a descriptive methodology and through content analysis, three parameters were studied: lecturing, research, academic and professional experience. An analysis form has been designed to provide a description of the profile of each lecturer and of the public relations subjects selected, specifically we have reviewed:

    - Teaching: review of the modules guides of the public relations subjects taught in the selected degrees. We analysed: teaching team, coordination and number of teachers, gender, contractual relationship, number of subjects taught per teacher, type of subject (compulsory, core, optional), credit load and year.

    - Experience: professional and academic career, training, possession or not of a doctorate and speciality.  - Research activity: research production of each subject, lines of research and publications related to the teaching given.  The main sources of information have been the universities websites, ORCID, Google Scholar, LinkedIn, Academia and Researchgate. This study is geographically limited to the Autonomous Community of Andalusia in Spain and to universities (public and private), that offer communication degrees with public relations subjects.

    Results show many temporary staff and very fragmented subjects, the majority are female lecturers, but with relevant PR teaching and research experience, although with little professional experience in the sector. Furthermore, there is an unequal teaching load in the area between the different universities. Most public relations teaching staff are women, but it is women who fill the most unstable positions (and suffer the consequences of holding such positions), while men in permanent positions are in the majority. To conclude, we consider that the establishment of criteria that would allow for the consolidation of (female) lecturers in their jobs and in the stable choice of public relations subjects would facilitate the work-life balance, improvement and relevance of the teaching and research quality of Andalusian university teaching staff. More needs to be done to improve women's equality in the workplace and their access to academic careers on the same terms as their peers.

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