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Resumen de Existential hapax as tourist embodied transformation

Xavier Matteucci

  • This research note introduces the concept ofexistential hapax; a concept elaborated by Frenchphilosopher Michel Onfray, which contributes to understanding transformative experiences.Three phases characterise an existential hapax: a maturation phase, an intense embodiedexperience during which the old uneasy self crumbles to dust and ataraxia. It is argued that theconcept of existential hapax is different from milder transformative tourism experiences. In anhapax, all three forms: the ego, mind and body are markedly altered. Also, an hapax isessentially a unique, irreversible, cathartic, corporeal experience, which epitomises theculmination of a life crisis. It is also argued that, for its eudaimonic character, the existentialhapax has the potential to foster relational goods. To better understand such transformativeexperiences, it is suggested that emphasis should be put on individual biographies as well ason embodied, relational experiences beyond the tourist journey

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