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Resumen de La producción de interferón gamma (IFN-y) se asocia a una menor concentración plasmática de proteína asociada a la gestación-1 y -2 (PAG-1 y PAG-2) en vacas lecheras gestantes crónicamente infectadas por neospora caninum

Beatriz Serrano Pérez, I. García, Carmen Nogareda Burch, S. Almeria, Fernando López Gatius

  • The objective of this work was to study the interaction between gamma interferon (IFN-y) production and plasma pregnancy-associated glycoprotein-1 (PAG-1) and -2 (PAG-2) concentrations throughout pregnancy in non-aborting chronically Neospora caninum-infected cows. Gamma interferon was detected at some point along the pregnancy in 9 (21%) of the 43 Neospora-seropositive cows. General lineal models (GLM) repeated measures ANOVA revealed significant effect of IFN-y production on plasma PAG-1 and PAG-2. IFN-y production was related to lower PAG-1 concentrations throughout gestation (P<0.05), respect to cows not producing IFN-y. Moreover, cows not producing IFN- showed significantly increased PAG-1 and PAG-2 concentrations at Day 120 of gestation (P<0.01 and P<0.05, respectively), respect to cows producing IFN-y. These results indicate that IFN- production has an effect on placental PAG secretion in non aborting Neospora-infected cows.

Fundación Dialnet

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