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Resumen de Efecto del aceite de orégano en las propiedades fisicoquímicas, texturales y sensoriales del queso panela

Niriel Sánchez-Zamora, Mónica Dinorah Cepeda Rizo, Katty Lorena Tamez Garza, Beatriz Adriana Rodríguez Romero, S. R. Sinagawa-Garcia, Alejandro Isabel Luna Maldonado, Emmanuel Flores Girón, Gerardo Méndez Zamora

  • español

    Los aceites esenciales obtenidos de plantas están siendo usados en la industria alimentaria debido a su efectividad antimicrobiana, antioxidante y sensorial. En esta investigación se evaluó el efecto del aceite esencial de orégano (AEO) en la elaboración del queso panela (QP) sobre sus propiedades fisicoquímicas, texturales y sensoriales en 15 días. Tres tratamientos se establecieron: testigo (QP1), AEO en 0.05 g/L (QP2) y 0.10 g/L de leche (QP3). El pH de los quesos fue mayor (P<0.05) al día 1 y menor al día 15, y la acidez menor en QP2 al día 1 y en QP3 al día 4. La luminosidad al día 1 fue mayor (P<0.05) en QP2 y menor en QP1. La dureza aumentó (P<0.05) en QP1 y disminuyó en QP2 al día 1 y 8. El pH, acidez y textura del queso se mantienen con 0.05 g AEO/L, y con 0.1 g AEO/L leche mejora la aceptación sensorial.

  • English

    Plant essential oils are increasingly used in the food industry for their antimicrobial, antioxidant and sensory properties. The effects of added oregano essential oil (OEO) in panela cheese (QP) production was evaluated on cheese physicochemical, textural and sensory properties during 15 day’s storage. Two addition levels were used, resulting in three treatments: control with no OEO (QP1); 0.05 g OEO/ L milk (QP2); and 0.10 g OEO/L milk (QP3). In all treatments, cheese pH was highest (P<0.05) on d 1 and lowest on d 15, although it remained higher overall in QP1. Weight and weight loss did not differ between treatments.

    Color parameters differed minimally between treatments and over time, although increased OEO content pushed b* values towards yellow. Addition of OEO lowered cheese hardness and shear force values. Based on sensory parameters, consumer acceptance was highest (P<0.05) for the control treatment. Addition of OEO generally did not affect cheese physicochemical, textural and sensory characteristics during storage. It did slightly lower hardness and shear force values, and decreased consumer acceptance. If used at adequate levels, oregano essential oil can improve cheese performance during storage without substantially affecting quality parameters.

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