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Resumen de Konbertasen rola tumorearen garapenean eta metastasian

Ander Martin San Sebastian, Olatz Crende Arruabarrena, Patricia Garcia Gallastegui

  • English

    Convertases are serine proteases responsible for the maturation of inactive proproteins. To date, there are eight types of converters described PC1, PC2, Furine, PC4, PC5, PACE4, PC7, SKI-1 and PCSK9. The functions they perform are very diverse and, to a large extent, indispensable. Therefore, any alteration in their expression affects homeostasis and leads to pathologies. The involvement of PCSK9 in hypercholesterolemia and the involvement of Furine in 2019-NCoV infection should be noted. One of the pathologies in which the involvement of convertases has been most studied is the development of tumours. Their involvement in the maturation of adhesion molecules, metalloproteases and proinflammatory molecules, all of which are involved in tumour development, has been described. On the other hand, it has been observed that, when certain convertases are inhibited, the formation of tumours is slowed down, which shows their involvement in this process. Likewise, convertases are present in the tumour microenvironment, specifically in Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSEC). Recently, the variation in the expression of PACE4 and PCSK9 convertases in this cell type when it comes into contact with media derived from metastatic colon tumour cells has been described. This observation opens the door to study the involvement of convertases in the hepatic metastasis process and suggests that these proteins could be a new therapeutic target.

  • euskara

    Konbertasak proproteina inaktiboak heltzeaz arduratzen diren serin proteasak dira. Orain arte, zortzi konbertasa mota deskribatu dira: PC1, PC2, furina, PC4, PC5, PACE4, PC7, SKI-1 eta PCSK9. Haien funtzioak askotarikoak dira eta, neurri handi batean, ezinbestekoak. Horregatik, haren espresioan emandako edozein aldaketak homeostasian eragiten du eta patologiak sortzen ditu. Azpimarratzekoa da, bai PCSK9 proteasak hiperkolesterolemian baifurinak 2019-NCoV infekzioan duten garrantzia. Konbertasen inplikazioa batez ere garapen tumoralean aztertu da. Atxikitze-molekulen, metaloproteasen eta molekula proinflamatorioen heltzean duten parte-hartzea deskribatu da, horiek guztiak garapen tumoralean inplikatuta baitaude. Bestalde, zenbait konbertasaren inhibizioarekin tumoreen sorrera moteltzea lortzen dela frogatu da, prozesu horretan duen garrantzia egiaztatzen duelarik. Halaber, konbertasak mikroingurune tumoralean agertzen dira, zehazki Liver sinusoidal endotelial cells (LSEC) direlakoetan. Duela gutxi, mota zelular horretako PACE4 eta PCSK9 konbertasen espresioaren aldaketa deskribatu da, koloneko tumore-zelula metastasikoetatik eratorritako bitartekoekin kontaktuan jartzen denean. Behaketa horrek aukera ematen du konbertasek gibeleko prozesu metastasikoan duten inplikazioa aztertzeko eta proteina horiek diana terapeutiko berri bat izan daitezkeela pentsatzeko.

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