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Resumen de Revisión de los cibermedios. Características en el 2020

Lizy Navarro Zamora

  • español

    En el texto se presenta una revisión de las características básicas del ciberperiodismo en México, a partir de su historia, hasta los elementos más desarrollados que se tienen en la actualidad. Se aplicó un análisis morfológico con categorías en torno a la construcción, evolución histórica, la confiabilidad, la mundialización, la inmediatez y la actualización, la profundidad, la personalización, la interactividad, las redes sociales, el financiamiento, el ciberperiodista y el usuario. La característica que ha tenido un retroceso es la interactividad y no ha avanzado el periodismo a la carta, en el resto de los elementos hay una desigualdad significativa entre un grupo reducido de cibermedios y la mayoría de ellos, en el contexto de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación.

  • português

    The text presents a review of the basic characteristics of cyberjournalism in Mexico, from its history to the most developed elements that are currently available. A morphological analysis was applied with categories around construction, historical evolution, reliability, globalization, immediacy and updating, depth, personalization, interactivity, social networks, financing, cyberjournalist and user. The characteristic that has had a setback is interactivity and journalism on demand has not advanced, in the rest of the elements there is a significant inequality between a small group of cybermedia and most of them, in the context of the Technologies of the Information and communication.

  • English

    The text presents a review of the basic characteristics of cyberjournalism in Mexico, from it’s history, to the most developed elements that are currently available. A morphological analysis was applied with categories around construction, historical evolution, reliability, globalization, immediacy and updating, depth, customization, interactivity, social media, financing, cyberjournalist and user. The characteristic that has had a setback is interactivity and has not advanced on-demand journalism, in the rest of the elements there is significant inequality between a small group of cybermedia and most of them, in the context of Information and Communication Technologies.

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