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Resumen de Diferenciación geoquímica de los materiales en facies «Weald» de la Cuenca NE de Cameros (Soria - La Rioja)

María Pilar Mata Campo, María Cinta Osácar Soriano, Francisco López Aguayo

  • The Cameros Basin (NW of the lberian Range) is mainly composed of very homogeneous silicic detrital materials in Wea/d facies. The occurrence of ch/oritoid, cookeite, pyrite and muscovite/paragonite is re!ated to a cretacic very low grade metamorphism. The geochemical analysis of this materials displays differences linked to lithologic features; comparison between metamorphic and no metamorphic materials shows no main differences in the chemica/ contents, but in the relationships between elements.

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