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Resumen de Escándalo y “post-política”. El menemismo en escena(s)

Silvia Tabachnik

  • By the end of 1999 —when Fernando de Ia Rúa came to power— a decade of “menemismo” in Argentina was institutionally closed, during which a disruption in the configuration of public space and political culture of the country was produced. Such disruption was so deep that even today the possibilities of reestablishing the foundations of legitimacy for the exercise of political discourse would remain blocked. Naturally, those changes cannot be considered isolated from the contemporary context of mutations of a global scope (technical-scientific, economic, cultural, social) that, as Derrida noticed (1995: 85), force us to revise the concept of democracy and in general “every relationship between State and Nation, man and citizen, private and public, etc. “. Nevertheless, those changes may have taken on, at a local level, an irreducible peculiarity whose more relevant traits I hereby approach from the analysis of the “menemismo “as a regime of spectacularization of power.

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