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Resumen de El diapirismo como factor principal de la resedimentación de las rocas del Triásico durante el Terciario en las Zonas Externas de la Cordillera Bética

Alberto Diego Pérez López, Fernando Pérez Valera

  • The Epicontinental Triassic outcrops primarily in the External Zones of the Cordillera Betic over more than 400 km. The continuity or extension of the External Zone tectonic units diminishes towards the Guadalquivir Basin. Numerous blocks are clearly connected to resedimentation processes during Neogene, included in olistostromic units. There are gypsum breccias in numerous outcrops that are interpreted as diapiric facies.

    Many olistostromic megabreccias are related to the main diapiric extrusions during the stages of the External Zones origin. The reworked diapiric cap rock generated resedimented conglomerates and megabreccias.

    Then, the relation between resedimented and diapiric rocks is very difficult to stablish because, frequently, the final facies are similar and they are interconnected. Moreover, the deformation of these rocks was very intense. These diapiric processes have been very important in the distribution of Miocene megabreccias and of Triassic outcrops. The diapirism began during the Cretaceous and, in many cases, it was conditional on regional strike-slip faults.

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