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Resumen de Agricultural entomology in the state of Acre, Brazil:: a historical overview and future challenges

Weidson Plauter Sutil, Rodrigo Souza Santos

  • Family-based agriculture is predominant in the state of Acre, Brazil. Although it has less economic impact in relation to large-scale plantations, it is also subject to biological imbalances, such as pest attacks, generating economic losses for producers. Phytosanitary knowledge is still incipient in this Brazilian state and it becomes an obstacle to production, often resulting in mistaken management decisions. In this context, this work aimed to present a history of two decades of research in the area of Agricultural Entomology, especially in the areas of integrated management and biological pest control of the most relevant crops grown in Acre state. In this review, 58 scientific papers related to Agricultural Entomology were presented, 23 on surveys and/or new insect records and/or new insect associations with host plants, 17 on insect control using plant extracts from the Amazon region, 13 on integrated pest management and five on bioecology, action levels and/or population dynamics of insect pests in the state of Acre. Through this review, it is observed that basic researches in the area of Agricultural Entomology (surveys, new species record, bioecological or dynamic population studies) have been carried out in this area of the Amazon. Despite a remarkable advance in scientific studies related to integrated pest management in the state in the past ten years, still there is a need to concentrate efforts on research aimed at prospecting and using Amazonian biodiversity (fauna and flora), which subsidize applied programs for integrated pest management of the main crops grown in the state of Acre.

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