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Resumen de Características hidrológicas y sedimentoquímicas de los depósitos de las Lagunas de Campillos (Málaga)

José Benavente Herrera, Carmen Almécija, M. Rodríguez, Francisco Carrasco Cantos, P. Rodríguez, J.J. Cruz San Juan

  • The lakes of Campillos (Málaga) appear in relation to low permeability materials, which is the reason of a main epigenic recharge and a flood regime typically seasonal. The clastic depositson the basin of the lakes are mainly of silty size or even lower. The importance of the evaporitic sedimentation is different from one lake to another: the two extreme cases are the Dulce lake (little importance) and the Salada lake (various evaporite deposirs originating both from thesurficial and the phreatic brines). It doesn't exist homogeneity in the proportion of clay mineralsin the sediments of the lakes, but there is an obvious pattern linked to a mainly triassic origin, which indicates a different rate of evolution between the various lakes. There also exists differences in the salinity and in the relative importance of the groundwater recharge. Infunction of these characteristics, the systems with more differences are as well the Salada and Dulce lakes.

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