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Resumen de Gli Ucraini dell’Impero zarista nell’Ottocento

Andrea Franco

  • The present article is devoted to the analysis of the Tsarist South-Western Provinces, in the basis of demographical and ethnographical point of view, concerning in particular the XIXth century. There are gathered a relevant amount of information, which are able to describe the articulated relationship among different national groups in this area. Here Little-Russian peasants were majority in the country, but cities were hegemonized by Russian (or Polish) nobility.

    In addition, it is rebuilt the progressive stages of absorption within the Tsarist Empire of Little-Russian territories.

    The questions this article would inquire are: which was the society’s organization, considering every nationality has a different rule and a peculiar political importance? Were Little-Russians in the bottom of social pyramid? If yes, did this situation brake Ukrainian national movement’s birth?

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