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Resumen de Criptorquidia (Ectopia testicular)en el perro y en el gato

Juan Carlos Domínguez Fernández de Tejerina, Fernando Juan Peña Vega, Luis Anel Rodríguez, María Teresa Carbajo Rueda, Beatriz Alegre Gutiérrez

  • español

    En el presente artículo, tras repasar el mecanismo del descenso testicular, imprescindible, por otro lado, para comprender la patogenia de esta enfermedad, revisamos los aspectos clínicos de la criptorquidia en los pequeños animales, recordando, a la hora de proponer un tratamiento, su naturaleza hereditaria y la especial tendencia de los testículos criptórquidos a desarrollar tumoraciones y a sufrir la torsión del cordón testicular. * In this article, the mechanism of testicular descent is reviewed, as well as the c1inicalaspects of can ine and feline cryptorquidism. The hereditary nature of this condition, and the increased risk of cryptorquid testicles to develop tumors, and testicular torsion should be noticed when we establish a treatment.

  • English

    In this article, the mechanism of testicular descent is reviewed, as well as the c1inicalaspects of can ine and feline cryptorquidism. The hereditary nature of this condition, and the increased risk of cryptorquid testicles to develop tumors, and testicular torsion should be noticed when we establish a treatment.

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