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Resumen de Creatividad corporal: Perspectivismo y movimiento crip

José Angel Bergua Amores, Laura Moya Santander

  • español

    Desde sus orígenes, el pensamiento dominante en occidente puso por delante el alma y despreció el cuerpo generando distinciones con las que lo espiritual o inmaterial fue considerado superior frente a lo corporal y material. Sin embargo, estas observaciones no han terminado de funcionar. Los queer, dándole vueltas a la identidad, descubrieron el cuerpo y trabajaron con él. El problema es que lo hicieron dando protagonismo a hibridaciones y transversalidades que se afirmaban frente a identidades, por lo que el plano inmaterial no resultó realmente desbordado. Los crip, tullidos o tarados, han completado el gesto que los queer no alcanzaron a dibujar cuestionando categorías como la deficiencia o la discapacidad. Sin embargo, ante la falta de tradición en Occidente en el trato con el cuerpo según lo sugiere el movimiento crip, proponemos inspiramos en los amerindios, ya que ponen en primer plano la corporalidad. Mientras la cultura occidental postula una pluralidad de culturas y de subjetividades frente a una naturaleza inmutable, los amerindios se refieren a una misma base cultural frente a coprporalidades diferentes.

  • English

    The dominant thought in the Western Culture took the lead, soul and despised the body, creating distinctions and hierarchies in which the spiritual or immaterial was considered higher against the body and the material. But the bodies, far from satisfied, have not let reduce these dichotomous patterns. Queer, turning her complicated identity discovered the body, worked with him, but returned to the plane of the immateriality in which identity is staying, although changing it by hybridizations and transversalities. The crip movement, has completed the gesture of the queer entering fully into the body field, distorting categories that were anchored, such as impairment or disability, and interpreting the body as radically interdependent. However, to solve the lack of tradition in dealing with the body, both in thinking and politics, we are inspired by other cultures that always put the corporality in the foreground in order to go in search of the body that the Western Culture lost. We purpose to think the contrast between humans and nonhumans that Amerindians make. They suggest that there is a unique culture with multiple natures for them, unlike for the Western Culture, because we speak about a plurality of cultures in front of a uniform nature. The West has invented the "cultural relativism" and the "multiculturalism" while Amerindians have the "perspectivism" and a "multinaturalism". Both hav diverent political and sicientific implications.

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